I grant ___________, of ___________ permission to do the following in service of seeking medical treatment for my child:
Self-preservation. Apply Aquaphor directly after a lukewarm bath, it locks in moisture better. Soft, bamboo clothing breathes better. Cool body wraps prevent the skin from breaking, scratching, bleeding. It stops it from falling apart. Home should be made a safe zone free of my child’s allergens. This is for your sanity too.
Due Diligence. Look at every ingredient every time. Oats must not contain or be cross contaminated or cross contact with wheat, and neither brine, sauces, soups, cosmetics, lotion, sunblock, lip balm, soap, shampoo, deodorant, detergent, play dough, glue, paint, toothpaste, medication, dog food, dog shampoo, et al.
Not all ingredients require labelling on products.
It is often impossible to confirm if a medication, specifically a powder coated pill, contains wheat.
A stray goldfish cracker. The cross contact of a shared chip bowl.
Review allergy action plan with teachers and school nurse complete with epi demonstration. Get yourself a coffee and keep your cell phone nearby just in case. Be thankful that you can afford and have access to epi, an allergist, and safe foods. Do not let this be lost on you.
Teach child DO NOT accept food from anyone accept you. Practice drills like “What do you do if your friend at school hands you a piece of candy?”
Always pack extra safe snacks and treats.
Learn how to bake the most delicious wheat, nut, and egg free pie.
Create space for you to flip off the bullies.
Show others deliciousness can be inclusive.
Risk Assessment. Never be afraid to use epi. Systemic reactions can be immediate, but also delayed. Learn the symptoms of anaphylaxis.
My child can have certain tree nuts such as almonds, but it is often hard to find a tree nut that is not processed with or has cross contact with peanuts or other allergens. Avoid unless carefully labeled. Labels are helpful only if they are accurate. If you call or email a manufacturer the reply may simply be “we cannot guarantee it does not contain your allergen.” “Eat at your own risk.”
Plant a garden. Rows of radishes and kale. Space, culling, removing the dead parts, make way for growth. Bring beauty into spaces.
We either breathe or we do not.
Vigilance. Carry a little backpack everywhere my child goes. It should contain at least (2) epi-pens, safe food snacks, and wipes. Rarely go places with my child that have not been scouted out beforehand. It is easier to avoid the potential allergy landmines when prepared with a detailed layout of the territory.
Sometimes things pop up like at a neighbor’s farm. The passing of chicken eggs. Allergens can be hidden. So can joy.
Repeat this often: “I am my child’s protector. I am their baker and protector. I am their skin manager. I am their immune supervisor. I am their advocate, ally, and I am afraid it will not be enough. I must always be watching, but pretend I am not watching. I must breathe when I am holding my breath.”
Fairness. My child is quick, as young children are quick, and impulsive. This being. My being runs about and rolls in the grass. My child is not afraid of stinging insects, spiders or falling. They step in dog shit and kick their shoes off. They make flower potions and throw crab apples. In one hand they carry a beetle, the other a cricket. They argue about mundane things and scream, “that’s not fair.” It usually isn’t.
This granting of authority shall begin on ______________and remain in effect until ______________.